Business Mondays News Talks About Noctura 400
Newly Adopted Sight-Saving Sleep Mask Could Save The NHS Multimillions
PolyPhotonix’s Noctura 400 sleep mask, a pioneering treatment for diabetic retinopathy, is set to benefit NHS patients for the first time after adoption by Ashford and St Peter’s NHS Foundation Trust. Backed by the RENDER Study, the innovative sleep mask has demonstrated improvement and stabilization of diabetic eye disease in 96% of patients. The mask could save the health service millions of pounds annually, and based on research by the Trust, improving patient outcomes with an earlier stage intervention could save the NHS £3,000 per patient. The mask is an early-stage non-invasive alternative to current, later-stage invasive treatments such as eye injections, which can be stressful and unpleasant for patients and come with a risk of side effects. The sleep mask maintains or improves patients’ vision by delivering a precise level of light at a particular wavelength during normal hours of sleep.
Michelangelo Biasiucci, 64, from London, is one patient whose life has been transformed by using the sleep mask. He said:
“After being referred to the hospital by my GP, I was diagnosed with diabetic retinopathy. Part of my treatment for this was to have injections in my eyes, and looking back, I don’t know how I tolerated them!
“I was relieved that not so long after, my consultant prescribed the mask. I would say that the mask has given me my life back – not only can I see so much clearer, but it has enabled me to carry out my job safely again. As a driver, I can now work safely again, especially at night, thanks to the mask.”