PolyPhotonix Summer Social 2016
PolyPhotonix try to hold a summer social every year for all employees. This year, on Friday 1st July 2016, we were treated to an afternoon of indoor climbing at Clip N Climb in Stockton. The website is worth a visit just to get an idea of what we were doing! Everybody did really well and had a really good time. Hungry tummies meant it was time to retire to the pub, where we were well fed at The Bay Horse with a very delicious barbecue in the sun. But the fun didn’t stop there. True to Richard’s personality, a competition followed. We were put into two teams by the two team captains and had our very own sports day!
Sophie’s World – Sophie, Layla, Richard, Poraic, Alison, Nicholas, Paul, Kirk, Adam, Alex, Morganne, Duncan
The Ring of Kerry – Kerry, Brigitta, Luke, Neil, Melanie, Simon, Jon, Moira, Alessandro, Dan
Not all players played every game. Where there was a mismatch in numbers, some players went twice.
Wheelbarrow Race – won by Sophie’s World
Egg and Spoon Race – won by The Ring of Kerry
Ball swing (tennis ball inside tights on head!) – won by Sophie’s World
Giant Jenga – won by Sophie’s World
Multiple games of Giant Connect 4
Final Score
Sophie’s World = 9
The Ring of Kerry = 4
Sophie’s World – Large chocolate selection box
The Ring of Kerry – Small chocolate selection box
The prizes were shared amongst everyone!
We all had a fantastic day and look forward to the next social event!